Friday, March 29, 2013

17 Months

Blake took this picture of Dylan, who is now 17 months.  One month away from officially being in nursery! This last week has been rough because we had the flu AND Dylan was teething.  His new words are "me, mine and that". He is in 3T tops and 2T pants. He loves to go on walks and constantly will go get his shoes so that we can go outside to either play or go on a walk. He is very good at nodding yes or no. 

Aaron usually puts Dylan down at night while I put Blake down. The other night, Aaron laid Dylan down in his crib, put his blankets over him and then Dylan says, "Nigh, nigh". When he is tired, he will go get his blanket and come say "nigh, nigh" to me. He usually talks to himself to put himself to sleep and I can tell he is awake in the morning by hearing him talking. He usually doesn't cry...unless he has been in his crib awake for too long and he is hungry.  Once I get him out of his crib after a nap or in the morning, he immediately will point to go downstairs to the kitchen. 

Dylan is a silly, outgoing kid. He is very good at figuring things out, but he does have times where he gets frustrated. He wants to do everything that his big brother is doing. Dylan still enjoys helping me out and cleaning. They say that the first kid usually does this, but not typically the second one. Hopefully he will continue to be a good helper. He sure makes enough messes so it is only fair that he knows how to clean them up right? The problem is the power struggle because he wants to do everything by himself and gets mad when you try to help.

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