Wednesday, October 8, 2014


Yesterday we went to the Dallas Arboretum with our friend Robyn (and her 2 kids that she babysits), Cambria and her kids, and Jessica. Robyn has a membership so she was able to get me in for free and Dylan was free. 

It was 95 degrees that day in Dallas, so not the best day to go but that was the day that our schedules allowed, so off we went. Right now they have a huge pumpkin exhibit. It is amazing. This beats anything I have ever seen. 

Did you know in the original Cinderella story she was wearing fur boots, but it was translated wrong into glass slippers. I think that mistranslated word worked out better, but FYI.

Didn't get a picture up close, but do you see the blue pumpkin? Those were a huge hit with Dylan.

A hay maze where he could run around.

And jump!

He thought this was the coolest thing ever! A mushroom pumpkin...well, that is what he called it.

They had a petting zoo too!

Little goats

But the lamb was his favorite.

I thought this was clever...the bottom of a pumpkin looks like a they used those to make a "flower".

After eating, we went to the children's section. He was all over the place and loved it, so not too many pictures.

He asked what would crack out of these, so I told him to sit on them to  see if they would crack so we could see. So, he did.

But then I said, "Oh, look, they are cracking..what is coming out?" He freaked out and got up. Hehehe

He misses the sand and loves to play in it.

The treehouse where he can act like a monkey.

It was time to go because we had  to get our other kids from school and because we were just way too hot, but we had a blast. Dylan took a little nap on the way home even. Yippy!

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