Monday, March 13, 2017

Living Museum JFK

3/3-Friday before spring break was the 2nd grade class living museum. All the 2nd graders picked from a list a historical person. They researched this person and then wrote a speech about this person...they did all this work at school, so this is their first research project. They then edited their speech with help from their teacher, then they typed it up at school. Then at home they had to practice and try to memorize their speech. They also needed to bring a prop (poster board or something else) and dress in character. 

The morning of the event, Dylan and I played with some friends at the park next to the school. Then we went over to the school and help set up all the props. The kids needed help getting into their outfits, but Blake didn't since this is what he wears to church and can do that by himself.

Then from 12:30-2:30 parents and the other grades (at specified times) came through the museum. They would press a button and the characters would come to life and give their speech. It was cute, but a terrible thing to do the day before spring break started. 

Blake picked JFK.

Here is his class.

His buddy Kenny.

His friend from church, Claire...aka Amelia Earhart.

I heard a lot of the speeches, but took very few pictures. The kids did such a good job. Aaron was able to come for a little bit and then take Dylan home.

Other things this week:
-the boys decided they were done with baths and wanted to start taking showers.
-went to the cannery and stocked up
-Had lunch with friend
-Took Blake and friends to soccer practice, dropped friends off then took Blake straight to his open house at school. Teacher said good things. He got another 100% on math district assessment test. He rocks in math.
-Same night Aaron took Dylan to his preschool for desserts with dad. They had fun.

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