Friday, July 26, 2019

Perot Museum

July 16--Aaron was going to his office and we were heading to the Perot Museum this day, which is now, very close together, so we carpooled. It was a great day too because it wasn't too busy.

The boys love brain flakes and the museum had these huge ones.

We walked over to Aaron's office to eat lunch together.

This is the view from the break room. Side note: the park to the left is the Klyde Warren park, which was built over the freeway. We have been to it once before and it is pretty cool.

Back to the museum.

As we were leaving Blake (our car lover) spotted an NSX. This is Aaron's dream car.

So when Aaron walked over after work (since we dropped him at the office and  then parked at the Perot) to drive home together, we showed him this car. Makes you wonder who this belongs to. Who goes to the museum on a Tuesday afternoon in this? 

Recently Ross Perot passed away. Obviously the museum is named after him and we have found out over the years of going to the museum, that he would frequent the museum. Ross gave a lot back to the DFW community. He paid for all BSA advancements, which I always thoughts was pretty cool. Anyway, at the museum they had a little memorial for him and a place where you can write notes to his family.

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