Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Snow means sledding

Saturday morning we woke up and it had snowed all night. There wasn't tons of snow, but enough. We first went to the temple with Amy and Gregg while Tiffanie watched the kids. We saw President Lewis there. He is now the temple president. Aaron and his son were good friends. We found out Pres. Lewis' oldest son lives in our neighboring city and is a partner of one of Aaron's competitors  and their office buildings are close to one another. We did sealings and Pres. Lewis came in for awhile. It was neat.  

We came and got our kids--this is what the car looked like in the morning--got all bundled up.

They played in the snow outside Grandma and Grandpa's house.

Then we went sledding. Grandma went sledding, but Grandpa didn't. We were there for awhile and then cousins Lexi, Brian and Keagan came.

Sledding is one of the things the boys were looking forward too. We brought all our snow gear just for it, so we all were super happy that we were able to go. Blake had so much fun. He loved it! Dylan went down 3 times and that was enough for him. He had a blast playing in the snow..and eating it.

Dylan went down with either Aaron or myself.

Blake went down a couple times with Aaron and a couple times with me and a lot by himself.

Aaron acted as the person who pushed everyone down..to get more speed. Here is Brian.

Blake and Lexi.

The gang minus Grandpa who went to sit in the car. It was cold--I think around 17 degrees. We thought it was worth the cold to play in the snow, but we don't get that many chances to play in the snow.

Brian and Blake.

Aaron and Blake..with a push from Brian.

Aaron went the farthest, but I was a close 2nd. As you can see there wasn't a ton of snow, but for sure enough for us to enjoy.

Aaron and the boys shoveled Grandma and Grandpa's driveway.

Amy and I then went to the store to try and catch some of the after Christmas sales. We came back and had some hot chocolate. Then Keagan came over to play with Blake and Dylan. They had lots of fun together.

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