Last Monday was Dylan's first day of 1st grade. (His shirt is very 1st day of school appropriate right?)

It was Blake's first day of 4th grade.

If I was more on top of things I would measure them to see what their height is when they start the school year and when they finish the school year. Let me just tell you, these kids both grew a lot. We cleaned out their closets and they both had so many clothes that didn't fit them anymore. Dylan got Blake's old clothes and Blake, well, we are just waiting until winter to see what size he will be in then.

We rode bikes to school.
This is Mrs. Taylor. She is a super sweet teacher. She is also one of the best 1st grade teachers and as much as we wanted Mrs. Sias (because that is Blake's best friends' mom) we are happy with Mrs. Taylor. Dylan was extremely bummed that his 2 best friends, Jake and Max weren't in his class. This kid looks forward even more now to recess and his same group gets together and plays. He also has alpha once a week with Jake.

Blake has Mr. Carroll for his homeroom and his switch class (reading and writing) is Mrs. LaPlante. Both are great teachers. I will say every day this week Blake has come home very happy and talking about Mr. Carroll. He loves Mr. Carroll. You can tell that guy loves to teach...and he is a little silly, which Blake used to with Aaron.
They came home from school on Monday loving their classes, and loving to see their friends again. They were both made though because it was a really hot week so they had to have indoor recess, so they didn't get to see their friends for recess. Hopefully they will be back to a normal recess schedule or there might be a revolt or something.
I started back to work on Monday, so I couldn't do the lunch my friends for the first day of school that we usually do. We have 2 weeks before preschool starts, so we are doing training and getting the room ready. I really like my co-teacher. She is new this year and I was a little worried at first, but after being with her this past week I think we are a good duo. We have 8 boys in our class and 4 girls.
Thursday morning at 8:15 (15 minutes after the kids' school started) I got a call from the school nurse..Dylan had thrown up. What?!! So, he had to come home, but luckily Aaron was working from home that day AND Dylan was totally fine. He ate normal, played...we went swimming that night. He was craving milk (that doesn't happen if you have an upset belly). So I sent him to school the next day since it was 24 hours since he threw up and he was totally symptom free. Well, the school wasn't happy with me so they called me, but I told them that he was totally fine and we were following procedure, so he said and he was totally fine. I'm not sure what it was. He had been saying that he hadn't been getting enough to drink at school and it was super hot, so I'm sot sure if it finally caught up with him. He never had a temp or acted different. Who knows. But a great way to start off the school year--his teacher isn't happy with me and the front office isn't happy either. I get it, I don't want my kid at school when they are sick nor do I want sick kiddos at school, but well, I'm not sure what happened with Dylan.
This week Dylan had soccer practice with his old team. We love his team. His friend Truett didn't return though, which was a bummer. We also had to go to a meeting for Alpha. Like I said before, Dylan is really excited for Alpha because Jake is in the class too. They have it every Monday, so guess what day of the week is his new favorite.
Friday I didn't work, since we are closed on Friday, so I did my shopping, did my ministering, had lunch with friends, made bread and worked on my lesson for church. I forgot how much I can get done when my kiddos are at school.