Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Walk and GNO

April 23--I finally remembered to capture our daily walks. During this time we were walking in the early afternoons, but we had to switch to right after breakfast because it got too hot.

People in the city thought the 5th graders were getting left out. A lot of people felt bad for the seniors, but no one was thinking of the 5th graders, so a company in town made these signs...of course you had to purchase them, but the proceeds went to a food bank.

The kids have been playing with legos and have had so much fun. They are creative. This is a zipline.

That afternoon I went and picked up some cakes for my friends who were having birthdays. Then I went and dropped one off at Cambria's house. Her husband set a chair out in their driveway and texted all her friends to come do a drive by. She loved it.

Then that night, all of us (8) got together for a GNO in the parking lot staying mostly 6 feet apart. We played a game and had cake. We did this the week before and it was so good for us moms who needed to get out and talk with friends again without kids. Cambria loved this..and so did we. I won the was a how well do you know her game. The person holding the sign--Kate...they just moved a couple weeks ago (the end of May). He is with PwC and was being transferred to San Antonio. We were sad that we couldn't do a big farewell party like we usually do. We will miss them. About a week before they moved we saw Kate while we were on a walk. They are such a great family.

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