The last 2 weeks Blake has been fixated on moon bears. How, when, where, why he came up with moon bears, for the life of us, we can't figure it out. While Grandma and Grandpa Johnson were in town he was stuck on purple alligators. But I digress. To Michelle and I they were of course made up.
So, the other day Blake was into one of his "stories" talking and talking to me as I patiently looked on and suddenly he stopped as Mom walked into the room from the bathroom. He looks at Michelle and says, "Mom, I like moon bears. Do you like moon bears? Mom, what's a moon bear?"
We've gotten used to his rapid succession of comments and questions but the series of comments leading into questions really made us laugh. The next few days we were thinking about his comments. And I got curious 1) where he got moon bears from and 2) what's out there that he might be confusing moon bears with to get him so interested in them.
Well, low and behold moon bears are a real thing.
The Asian black bear (Ursus thibetanus), is also known as the moon bear or white-chested bear. There was also a book last year called moon bear that won an award. Here are some pictures of some moon bears.
Moon Bear Pics
So, not only can our kids makes us laugh, but they can also push us to learn. Point being, listen to your kids, you may never know what types of things they teach you.
not yet as Job, so that's a plus
6 years ago