Their teachers have done a great job with making their school work meaningful. The technology hasn't been amazing because well, they have to type a lot and they are slow or the ISD can't handle the bandwith, etc. There are a lot of things that aren't making this super smooth, but I guess it is better then nothing. I will say with all the kids I have been talking who love, love school don't really enjoy this online school. To me, this proves how important our public schools are. Learning with your peers is way more meaningful then doing it on your own.
I love that their art, music and PE teachers have them do stuff too.
Dylan had to make a sandwich out of construction paper.
I sent their PE coach pictures of ways they get exercise...including helping me vacuum. She loved it.
My folks sent the boys 2 things for just because...they opened one today, which is Guess Who.. the game. They have been wanting this game for a long time.
We got their report cards the week before (online) and they had such a good report card. We are so proud of them!