Sunday, May 3, 2009

It's Hair Today and Gone......

So Grandma was in town this past week and it was decided that new hair styles were needed. We all piled into the car and drove for two hours to Palm Desert--that's right two hours. We made a day of it out there with a stop at the outlet mall and some food after the salon visit.

Here is Michelle showing off those new locks.

Blake did pretty well in the car. We could tell he was rather sick of that car seat though near the end. Once free. he spent a good twenty minutes just stretching out his little arms and legs.

Well if Grandma's visit was predestined, it couldn't have been planned better. I decided to attend my basketball game on Tuesday night. Thinking that I am still invincible (and already getting a block during the game) I went up to swat my guy. Badly planned, I ended up toppling over him, landing right on my left elbow. I shook it off and finished out the game with about 20 points. I then headed over to a neighbor's house to help him move his piano.

After hardly sleeping that night, Michelle took me to the hospital while Grandma watched Blake. Turns out I had a radial head fracture (broken elbow). I guess I shouldn't have finished the game or helped move the piano. Oh well. Live and learn.

Grandma also helped with a number of projects around the house. Most notably we finished the decals in the nursery.

We also took a trip to the doctors for Blake's two week check up. He weighed in at 8 lbs 1 oz, so they were happy that he was at least back up (and past) his birth weight. He also measured 21.5 inches (in the 75th percentile).

Here he is at the doctor's office. We thought it was a fun picture of his feet.

Here's little Blakey snoozing on the couch. He ends up in the weirdest positions--but cutest. This was the position he held while in mamma's tummy.

Finally, here's us on the patio. Grandma was nice enough to get us all in--well kind of :)

Thanks for coming Grandma and for all the help. You're welcome to come anytime.


  1. Yay! Thanks for the new pics!

  2. man--i dread breaking bones. i haven't broken one . . . yet. at least you can give a nice elbow to the people who annoy you. What did you say? (ELBOW!) You want me to give a talk when? (ELBOW!) You don't have the documents I requested a week and a half ago? (ELBOW!)
