Fun times...Blake turned 14 months on Monday, which is the same day that his new cousin, Gavin, was born. Congrats to Alma and Chelsea on their latest addition. Blake is saying more words, but I think his favorite word is dog. This could be his favorite because we just got new neighbors and Blake can see their yard from his window, so he loves to look out his window and say hi to the dog. This is one way that he know he is awake. He also loves to say bird and see the birds, but I think only Aaron and I know that he is saying bird, so he has to work on that word. We go to the park almost every day and see plenty of dogs and birds...sometimes that is more exciting than the play equipment.
not yet as Job, so that's a plus
6 years ago
I love that picture of him in the stripes, the shirt reminds me of a gondolier. What a handsome man he continues to be!