Saturday, April 16, 2011

Happy Day!

Blake is 2 years old! We are celebrating his birthday next week, but he was able to open a couple of presents.

Tools from mom and dad

and some more tools, a tool bag, and a puzzle from grandma and grandpa. It was perfect that Blake had his own tools because on his birthday we had some repair guys out finally finishing up our master bedroom closet that had water damage (yep, it took 4 months for HOA to get their act together). He had to take some tools with him while he supervised the work that was going on.

Blake wanted some ice cream for his happy day, so Aaron made some ice cream for all of us. The next day we went to the doctor for his 2 year check up. Blake hates the doctor (must take after his mom). He is doing fine. He is in the 97th percentile for height and they project him to be about 6'2" when he is older. Sometimes kids say some great things huh? Recently Blake and I were visiting a lady in our ward at her house. Blake was playing on the ground with some trucks and put his hand on the floor and said "yuck...wipe". Her house is not the cleanist house. Did she hear Blake? Absolutely. Super. Earlier that day we were at Home Depot and Blake saw a bigger man with white hair and beard, so he said, "Santa!". The man told Blake that he wasn't Santa. Blake wasn't convinced, so Blake said, "Santa! Ho ho ho!"

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