With little prelude there are my few stories this week:
The first night in Colorado last week, we had three families all hanging out at grandma's, chatting and playing. The grand kids were all downstairs while the adults were chatting upstairs. My sister, Tiffanie, decided it was time for her family to head home. She had her oldest, Jordan, who's 14, head downstairs to let the rest of her family know it was time to leave. Jordan ran downstairs and announced to the group at large that it was time for his family to load up the car and leave. He said, "Huntley's it's time to go. We need to go home. '
Blake then stood up and said, "It's time to go, okay. Let's go."
Jordan held out his hand to Blake, stopping him from progressing and said, "Oh, not you, Blake. It's just our family. You're going to stay here. You're okay. "
Blakey responded with, "Well, I'll be okay as long as no one kidnaps me."
It's sure is hard to argue with that. We still aren't sure where he came up with that one.
Two days after we got home from Denver, we were seated at the kitchen table, talking. Blake was in a very good mood. He asked me for a hug. So, I leaned over and gave him a big hug. He then looked at Michelle and asked for a hug from her. She leaned over for her big hug. He then looks up at us and says, "Great work, guys. Nice Job. "
We laughed as we thought, we'd never been told that our hugs were great work, let alone from a 3 year old.
And finally. we were in the middle of our nightly ritual two nights ago of who was going to take Blake to bed. So, we normally ask Blake who he wants to take him upstairs, tell him some stories and finish up with a few songs.
"Blake, who do you want to take you night-night?
"Mommy." Then he paused for a bit and looked at us and asked, "Do you guys need to talk about it yourselves?"
Apparently, Blake's noticed that Michelle and I talk a lot to each other about decisions, regardless of their significance.
not yet as Job, so that's a plus
6 years ago
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