Blake is now a Sunbeam in primary! The Monday after his first week, out of the blue said, "Mom, you know what I learned at church?" "No, what did you learn?" Blake says, "that my knees are great". I am a little confused so I ask if he learned this from a teacher or from his music teacher to which he responds, "the girl teacher." This meant his primary teacher since his music teacher is a guy and he knows his name. Since I taught sunbeams for a number of years and nursery, where the same manual for sunbeams was used...I knew the lessons so I thought about the lessons on being thankful for your ears, hands, etc, but I didn't remember anything specifically about knees. I asked Blake to tell me more about his knees being great. So then he starts singing, "and so my knees are great". I laugh, oooooh, the lyrics are "and so my Needs are great". Needless to say, we have been practicing that verse a bit more often now.
not yet as Job, so that's a plus
6 years ago
LOL! Awesome.