Monday, October 27, 2014

Fund Run

Last week Blake's school had a jog-a-thon, but they called it a fund run. Dylan and I volunteered to help hand out some water. Here is Blake's class.

This kid is a runner and just smoked the other kids. The poor kid was bright red and wouldn't stop running to get some water.

So I had Dylan give him some water.

Cohen did awesome too.

Here is his class after. So this is interesting, Blake is one of  the tallest kids in the class and he is buddies with the shortest kid in class. Blake is kneeling and the kid behind him and to the left is standing. He sure talks about Carson all the time and they like to play at recess together with Cohen and his buddy from his class.

After school, Cohen and Issac came out the door the same time Blake did, so they played around for a little bit. We found out the day before while playing with them that they will be moving. Blake doesn't know yet, but we are super sad. It is a great promotion for their dad and a great place for Isaac because it is a highly ranked place for kids with autism, but still, we will be sad for them to go. Their dad has to move out in January and they are seeing how long they can stay out here. As much as I would love it if they stayed, I know it is better for them to be with their dad. So, we will enjoy them as long as they are here.

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