We were doing homework the other day and Dylan says, "Hey look, I could hold my breathe under water for a long time!" Do you get it? Little comedian on our hands.
On Monday the boys got a package in the mail from Grandma. My mom made them new valences and pillowcase to match. Blake got Batman and Dylan got Spiderman.
Turned out pretty cute huh? Yep, she is the talented one. Blake was super impressed that she made them and then he asked me if I could do something like that. I told him no way but that both his grandmas knew how to sew.
Immediately after opening them, we had to go put them up in their rooms. Thanks Grandma!
Last Saturday Blake was invited to Rhett's birthday party. Rhett was in his class last year and he is in his class this year. They also are on the same soccer team.
They played miniature golf. The place we went to has a ropes course above the mini-golf place.
Here is Rhett with his brother Lance. Don't they look like brothers? They both look just like their dad.
After they ate pizza and cake, they then played some arcade games.
Happy Birthday Rhett.
Last Friday we had a nice day. It was in the 60s. We also had a bunch of leaves. I told Dylan that we would make piles and he could play in them. So, we made a pile and he would play in it while I cleaned up the rest of the lawn. He had so much fun.
The day before, we picked up Blake up a little early from school to go to their dentist appointment. They both had no cavities, but Blake hated getting his x-rays. We learned that Blake had 2 teeth that were wiggly. So then his dentist and I discussed how he has a small mouth and that depending on how big his adult teeth are that he will probably have to get some pulled. We had had the conversation before about his mouth and needing braces, but the day is getting closer for him to need some work done. The poor kid got my small mouth and I had to get several teeth pulled. I feel bad for him. Hopefully it won't end up being as bad as mine. (But don't tell Blake that he has to have teeth pulled...I haven't told my worry all the time kid about this....we will have that conversation when we need to.)
Later that day we wanted to enjoy being outside some more so we picked up Beckett since his baby brother was taking a nap and couldn't join us and went to the park. These 2 are such good friends that they are starting to act like brothers--for the good and the bad...they are best buddies and then they get on one another's nerves.
Later that night we went over to some friends' house in the ward. The Brock's invited us over for pie our first Thanksgiving in Texas and it has been a tradition with them ever since. This past Thanksgiving they were in Utah because their son got married. So...we everyone's schedules finally aligned and we had pie. His co-worker gave him a King's cake that came from Louisiana so it was legit. Aaron and the boys had never had one before, so it was fun to try something new. It was very tasty...and no one ate the baby, but it was found.
Last week Aaron had a birthday. The kids got ready for school really fast so that Aaron could open his presents before we had to leave for school. Most of my pictures are on the other camera, so here are just a few.
He got a shop vac from my parents. It is fabulous...yes, I used his present. Aaron's folks gave him some money. The boys and I got him Bluetooth earphones, a new audio book and a new shirt.
We have been getting ice cream cakes for birthdays lately because well, they are tasty. I found a Reese's Peanut Butter cake...that is Aaron's favorite candy so I knew he would love it...and he did.
The boys played in the box from the shop vac that evening. They also tested out the shop vac. Happy Birthday Aaron!
I was painting my toe nails the other week. I found me toe separator (what is it really called?) being used as leg cuffs that Joker had put on Batman and Robin. Dylan makes me laugh...such a boy.
Yesterday the boys didn't have school..not sure why, but we were the only school district with the day off, so we went to the museum. There was no one there, it was fabulous.
These are magnetic, and they entertained the boys for a long time.
Their favorite--the robots.
It had warmed up to low 50s by the time we left, so we played for a little bit.
We then went home and started to get ready for school the next day.
As mentioned before, we opened a lot of presents on December 20 before our trip to CO.
Uncle David and Aunt Kristi and kids got Blake this Batwing.
And Dylan got a bat boat. They love them.
We got Blake some more clothes.
Dylan also got clothes..apparently Blake was excited to Dylan to get clothes.
The boys each used $5 of their own money to pick out a present for their brother. Aaron took Blake and I took Dylan. I love the expression on Blake's face.
So they picked out nearly the same toy...Blake got Captain America and Dylan got Spiderman. How funny!
Uncle Adam and Aunt Becki and kids got us some new games. We played Qwirkle that night. Fun games. Thank you!
This is the kids opening the present from my folks. Blurry, but still love their expressions...they were pleased.
The big box of legos. Hours of fun and creativity.