Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Grandparent Day

September 11--Blake had an ortho appointment right during Dylan's lunch. It also happened to be Grandparent's Day. Since their grandparents aren't available we think it is just fine if the parents come. I took Blake out of school while Aaron was able to go each lunch with Dylan. We weren't sure how long Blake's appointment was going to be, but we got back to school just in time for his lunch, so I stayed and ate with him. They are kind of sticklers at the school about eating lunch. You have to eat lunch with your class. Well, that day was a free for all, so I invited Kenny, his best friend to come eat with us since he is in a different class and they don't get to eat lunch together anymore. I talked with his teacher towards the end of lunch and she told me how much she likes having Blake in her class. She said  that he is a good love to follow his example and he always is doing the right thing so she loves that he is a good leader that the kids like to follow. 

**Can you see Kelsey in the background? This is our friend 2nd grade. They were just coming in for lunch and  they are looking to see if  they have a grandparent or parent coming to eat with them.

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