Monday, January 14, 2019

Fun at the Lake House

New Years Day we had Dylan's friend, Jake over to play. That day we got ready for our trip.

The next morning it was supposed to ice, but luckily it was just rain so we were able to head 2 hours south of our house to our friends' new lake house. The Wright family moved into our ward 1 1/2 years ago. There were 2 other families that moved into our ward at the same time and all 3 of these families are amazing. Anyway, the Wrights invited us down, which we were super excited for. They have a son who is a senior, a daughter who is 15, son who is 11 and another son who is 4--he goes to the preschool that I teach at, but isn't in my class. Their kids are pretty great though.

We got there on Wednesday morning and left Friday afternoon. The mom's sister and her family were there when we got there. Small world because we have some similar friends (her sister and us). The Wrights had also invited a friend of theirs down. We played a lot of foosball, air hockey and ping pong. We never did play pool...probably because we aren't very good. 

It rained a lot, so we hung out inside a lot.

The house is massive--7 bedrooms, 7 bathrooms, etc. They took 2 of the rooms and put bunk beds in there--one was for the girls and one for the boys. The boys were excited to sleep in bunk beds.

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