Friday, January 10, 2020

Island Adventures and Dinner with Ririe's

November 30--It was a beautiful day so we each took a kid for an adventure, or they call them island adventure. Dylan wanted to go for a bike ride. So we went to the zipline park as we call it and then went on the trails there. The trails are perfect for bike riding...also for running--a lot of my races are on these trails.

Then we went and played at the park.

Aaron and Blake went to the school to play basketball. After, we met at Braum's for ice cream.

That night we had the Ririe's over for dinner. Rachel's parents were in town so we wanted to have them over too because we just love her parents. They invited us over for Thanksgiving, but we already had plans. They have a daughter, Rikki, who is a freshman in high school. She broke her foot awhile ago and has been in a boot for months and it hasn't healed. We are talking this happened in August. Fast forward---lots and lots of tests and specialists later (they just had a huge meeting with 9 doctors who have been working on her case) to find out she has Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy. It was super sad seeing her--she lost muscle and feeling in her left side from her feet to her hips. They told her surgery, they told her she isn't going to heal, they told her lots of stuff..but this week they told her she will go on medication and intense physical therapy. Hopefully it will work. She is such a sweet girl and is emotionally tough...she is still smiling, but her mom tells us when she is having a rough day and we bring over a treat for her--the boys just love her and she loves the boys! We are so hopeful that she will be able to heal and not have to walk with crutches anymore.

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