Tuesday, December 1, 2015


Right after the game, we headed up north to Sharkarosa. We had been there once before, about 2 years ago. There was a groupon that we bought so we called up our friends who live right by Sharkarosa and see if they wanted to join us...and they did.

We first went on the tram ride. It was still cold, but not as windy, but being in the shade made it really cold.

I had never seen this before, the horse was rolling around. I think he was trying to scratch his back. It was hilarious to watch. 

Blake was told that he was going to be the Star Student when they got back from Thanksgiving Break. He was given a poster to complete. He spent a long time on it...thank you teacher for sending him home and keeping him busy. Anyway, one of the questions that was on the poster was what was his favorite animal and he put zebra....so he took a picture with the zebra.

This is either ham or bacon...can't remember the name.

They have bears...2 black bears. We listened to their presentation on bears. Interesting...the bears hibernate because there isn't food for them in the winter, but hibernation shortens their life by about 10 years. So, hibernation isn't that great...but dying from starvation is probably worse.

They added a park since the last time we went. When was the last time you saw one of  these? The kids loved it. They spent forever at the park, which was great so we could chat with our friends.

Proof--Blake will pet animals. So proud of him. Dylan has no problem...he is a champ.

AND Blake fed the animals. Good job bud!

Then we got to hear a presentation on reptiles. We got to touch a python. So smooth.

Realized that I didn't get a picture of our friends, but here are Cindy and John. Cindy and Aaron worked together in CA, then moved out to Texas 9 years ago. I can't believe it was that long ago. Anyway, they are great people so we were glad that we could visit them. they invited us up this weekend for their city's tree lighting ceremony.

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