Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Ward Christmas Party

Saturday night we had our ward Christmas party. It was over the top. It was fantastic and I was so glad that the only thing I helped with was clean up and bringing food. They spent so much time. This was the very end of the program...I forgot about getting pictures. It was a Dr. Seuss theme and followed the Grinch Who Stole Christmas--Jim Carrey version. The wall was covered with a drawing of the You-village---everything was about "You". Every family in the ward had a home somewhere on the walls...so the kids had fun finding their names. We ate for about an hour--dinner and dessert. Then we had our program. One person, dressed in Youville apparel (not who-ville)  narrated it. The message was basically how the world is trying to take Christ out of Christmas and how we need to be unified and not let that happen. One of our 9 year olds was Cindy Lou-Who and sang Where are you Christmas? The Bishopric did a musical number with big candy canes as their canes--it was funny. We had a couple other musical numbers. The last thing was members of the ward came around the tree and sang--just like in the movie. And then there was a snow machine at the end that blasted some snow.

The Bishop's wife was the person who put this all together. Plenty of people helped her, but she was the brains behind it all. We also had an ugly sweater contest.

It was amazing and fun. We are sure grateful for our ward. We have lots of talented people.

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