Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Pack Meeting Carnival

The boys had January 16 off of school so we went and saw the movie Sing. It was cute. Aaron left that morning for Florida and then my parents left the next day for Louisiana. Everyone was gone, so the boys came with me to pack meeting, but they had so much fun. It was a carnival. It was so much fun.

Do you notice that Blake already has his scout shirt? Pretty impressive right? We got him a shirt and one for me at the thrift store, then my mom sewed on all the badges. It was fantastic. Blake loves his shirt.

It was a great night. Aaron got home late that night. 

Friday night we took our friend's dinner who had her baby the day I was helping my parents move. This is girl #4 for them. 

That weekend my friend Shellie went to the hospital. She had been having issues for about a month and doctors were just lame about it. Her husband came home early from Poland. To make a long story short, she has since been air lifted to a bigger hospital in Dallas with specialized doctors because they couldn't figure it out at our hospital. She has lupus and possibly ventriculitus. She had an aneurysm, kidney problems, mild heart attack, lung failure...and some other minor issues. We've been coordinating meals and child care for her family. I now know her mom really well because we chat every day. It is so sad and so frustrating, but yesterday they finally took her off her meds so that she isn't sedated anymore. 

Also, there was a tornado in Mississippi. It hit the town that my cousin lives in. He is the stake president and a surgeon. He and his family were fine, but he was very busy for awhile. 

Aaron left again for Florida and my mom and dad got back that Monday (1/23) from Louisiana. 

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