Monday, October 15, 2018

Hudson's Party

The next week was busy. The boys had evaluations for basketball. They measure Blake at 60 inches. They did great. Then we went home and had them try on their pants...Blake really has grown. He had outgrown all his pants, so Dylan got a lot of new pants from Blake, which was good because he has grown a lot too. That week I had to go shopping and get more pants and long sleeved shirts for Blake.

Thursday night we had Open House at preschool. The kids loved showing their parents all their work. As I was making dinner, I noticed that our food in the fridge wasn't cold. Our fridge was broken. Thankfully we have an extra fridge in our garage!

Friday was our 17th anniversary. Aaron took the day off and we went to the temple, then went to lunch and then went shopping for a new fridge. We found a fridge, but it wouldn't come for a couple days.

After dinner that night, we all went was the last swim of the season. Sad times, I wish we could swim still.

Saturday Dylan played a game. Dylan's team is really good.They destroy the other teams even when our coach forces them to pass the ball 3, 4, or 5 times before they score. Well, this opponent on Saturday was actually good. Dylan's team did win, but they had to work. It was a good game.

After the game we drove over to Hudson's party. We saw max and Jake there for the party...Dylan's 2 best buddies.

He had fun. We dropped him off.

I picked him up and it started to pour rain. But on the drive home I saw a rainbow...that was fun.

We watched conference and enjoyed it. The kids' response when they heard the announcement about 2 hour church...."Yes, this means more time to play!" We are obviously teaching them properly. Haha.  Although I think we all are pretty excited for the change.

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