Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Perot Museum

Sunday we had our Primary Program. Grandma and Grandpa were able to see it. The boys did great. The had their lines memorized and Blake knew all the songs...Dylan knew most. All the kids did great. We didn't have anyone say anything or do anything crazy. They sounded fabulous and we got a lot of positive feedback.  I am also very happy that it is done.

Monday morning I met with Blake's teacher for parent teacher conference. Blake is doing well. He needs to work on his penmanship. She said that he gets along really well with everyone in class and that he focuses really well. Once recess time comes, he lets it all out. Perfect.

Since the boys had the day off of school because of parent teacher conference, we went to the Perot museum. Our school district had the day off, but no other local school districts. It was the perfect day to go. No one was there.

We went to race the TRex, but it wasn't working, so they did the sport tracker. Dylan kicked a soccer ball.

Grandpa shot a basketball.

Then you watch the video in slow motion to see how you can improve. You can also compare it to professionals.

We then went over to the children's section and looked at some bugs.

Drove a truck.

Drove over Grandpa.

Then Grandpa thought it would be safer inside the truck, until he realized there was no leg room for people over the age of 10.

They did some building.

Then we went back to the TRex and it was open...with no lines. So they raced over and over again.

After lunch we went to the robot room. This is a favorite for everyone.

Before heading home, they played on the frogs outside. It started out as a cool day, but turned out to be a really nice day.


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