Sunday, June 28, 2020

Last Day of School

May 27-The last day of school. We all made it. That morning we finished the school work, then went on our walk.

Then we headed to the park by our house for the drive by parade of the teachers. We waited 2 hours because they took way longer then anticipated and we found out later that they got lost. Anyway, but we played at the park with the neighborhood kids and had some Popsicles. I talked to the neighbors a lot. 

The couple of the table are our next door neighbors. She is a nurse and works with COVID patients. It was great to hear real information from someone who is experiencing Covid and not the media's version of it. We all know the media has totally blown this up and it is super sad because it has put so much fear into people so people don't go to the hospital for other problems because they are afraid that they will get Covid. Hopefully our nation is learning how much inaccurate a lot of our media reports.

We were excited to see them come.

This is the back of Ms. Reasoner's car--her and Ms. Parker were together.

Ms. Curren and Coach Baker---they live in our neighborhood. The art teacher and PE coach.

Ms. Loya--one of Blake's teachers.

Mrs. Wilson--in the front, is Blake's homeroom teacher.

We like to celebrate the last day of school by going out to eat. This time we got take out from a yummy chinese place and some McDonald's for Dylan.

We got their report card. As long as the students did their school work during the online school semester, then they received the same grades as the 3rd semester. But they had some new comments.

I did question this a little...Blake a risk taker?

We are so glad that this school year is over. Virtual school is not our thing, but we really appreciate the teachers for putting in a lot of work and time into virtual school. We are certainly looking forward to in person school again.

Blake will be heading to middle school next year and Dylan will be in 3rd grade.

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