Wednesday, June 10, 2020


Online school is so different. The teachers did a good job, but the kids really didn't love it. They still read plenty of books. Blake received an award for reading so many books this year. His teacher gave him a challenge the  beginning of the year to read 40 books from all kinds of genres. He did it and was the first in his class to finish. She sent him a free dinner at a BBQ place. We sent her a picture one day of books that he was reading.

Their Art project for the week.

Dylan loved his Alpha class. (GT) I will say the big benefit for me with online school is to really see how important it is for Dylan to be in Alpha. Next year he will be bused to another school one day a week and will be with all the 3rd grader alpha students in the district. He is a smart kid, but he and I learn totally differently. It is easy for me and Blake to do school work together, but Dylan's brain just learns totally differently so his normal school classes are just boring for him--1 because it is easy for him and 2 because it is meant for linear thinkers. Anyway, I can now officially say that I am grateful for this program that the school district has. We will see if my opinion changes again. haha

He does all sorts of science experiments for Alpha and a lot of hands on stuff, which is his thing. It is torture to get this kid to sit down and write a story. This week he had to make the 5 different ocean zones.

Pretty cool huh?

My parents sent the boys some coloring books of cars. They are really cool.

What?! Bass..interesting.

Are these popular around you? For some reason they are huge here and the boys have been wanting to make one, so we finally did it.

Bonus--a couple of weeks later Dylan studied polygons so we sent this picture to his teacher.

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