Monday, August 28, 2017

Back to School

Today was Blake's first day of 3rd grade and Dylan's first day of Kindergarten. They want to ride their bikes to and from school....when the weather is nice enough.

A lot of people have asked how I feel since it is my youngest to start kindergarten...well, I am super excited. I am not sad at all--no tears folks. I just need to figure out what I am going to do with my time...once I catch up on everything.  Dylan is really ready and excited for kindergarten. We know a lot of kids in kinder this year, but none that are his best friends so I asked him who he was going to play with and he just looked at me. So I asked if he was going to play with Braydon who is a friend from church and he asked, "Um, why would I play with him?" Yeah, he hadn't thought about it and wasn't worried at all. This kids makes friends with everyone so I'm not worried about him. I'm hoping he won't cause too much trouble, but Mrs. Robinson has a son just like Dylan.

Blake is totally ready too. They both worked really hard over the summer on school work. Blake wasn't nervous at all. I don't ever worry about him causing trouble at home is a different story. (Maybe I should knock on wood) He was really excited too to see his best friend, Kenny.

I rode with them to school. I was able to take them both to their classrooms.

Dylan had no problem going to his class. He told me good bye and then got to work.

Blake said good bye and got to work too. After school Blake will get Dylan and then they will go get their bikes and ride home. I will meet them, but maybe by the end of the year they can ride home by themselves...we will see. When I was telling this plan to Mrs. Robinson she looked at me kind of with a nervous look and then said, "Oh, wait, this is Blake..he is totally responsible."

I hope this year is a great year for them both. I'm excited that they get to be at the same school for 3 years together. There is something fun and special about having your sibling at school with you. They are (most of the time) really great friends.

After I got home, I met up with some friends for breakfast.

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