Monday, August 28, 2017


August 21--(My mom's birthday!!) We went to the library and saw this huge book. Had to take a picture because well, it is Marvel, but look at the size! 

We then came home and ate and then the mailman came and dropped off the postcard that said what teacher they had. So, on our way to the library I saw our neighbor who told me that her daughter and Blake were in the same class again (3 years in a row). They did not post the lists anywhere this year for privacy reasons (ridiculous!), Well, she knew someone at the district office, so got a class list, so I then saw the list.

Blake has Mrs. Gullickson--didn't know anything about her
Dylan has Mrs. Robinson--this is who Blake had and I love her and I see her a lot since she has kids in cub scouts, etc. She knows Dylan and even remembered his name. He was really excited about it.

Then we went to the boys' dentist for their cleaning. I was  telling them that he was going to get braces on in a couple of weeks, so  they made sure that he really did need them. Yep, they agreed. The dentist is our friend and also a very good dentist. They also let us stay a little longer so they can put sealants on Blake's back molars since he has a lot of ridges (extra ones even), which makes it easier to get cavities. This is a lot easier to do before you get braces on. They had no cavities and said they both were doing a great job brushing and flossing. 

Then we went straight to school to have popsicles in the park and meeting Dylan's teacher...even though we knew her. It was fun to see everyone.

Then we went home, had dinner and then headed over to Dylan's soccer practice. 

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