Thursday, August 17, 2017

Cops and Soccer Practice

Monday morning Dylan had his screening for Kindergarten. It is totally useless, but we go anyway. We did see a lot of friends there so it was fun. Mrs. Robinson, who was Blake's teacher was there doing testing. We see her a lot at school, but she is in cub scouts so we see her even more now. Anyway she came over and talked with us and said hi to Blake and Dylan...she is so good and even remembers Dylan's name.

Blake is sooooo excited for school to start. Dylan is too. Then we went to the scout store to get awards for Pack meeting. We came home and I made bread and we played and swam.

Then we went to Dylan's soccer practice. For the first time he is on the same team. We love his coach so we are so happy. We went a little early so the boys could play at the park. But as we were turning on the street a cop was behind me...totally freaked me out, but then he turned into the apartment complex. They played, then we walked to the soccer field and saw the cops. They had about 5 barricades set up. I still do not know all of what happened, but hearing things from other parents. There was some guy at the apartment complex with a gun and he was outside. The cops told us we were safe. There were a ton of cops there and a lot with their guns drawn....some even had rifles. Our practice was an hour long. We were talking at the end when a gun shot fired. I didn't know how we were going to get out. I had texted this picture to Aaron and told him it might take us awhile to get home because they had everything blocked. I didn't really feel like getting closer pictures of the action. But right when we were leaving the cops were leaving, so we went home the normal way just as an ambulance and fire truck were coming. We were glad when we got home.

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